Demand for electric vehicles

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Australian Automobile Association (AAA) commissioned the Centre for International Economics (CIE) to conduct a choice modelling study of the determinants of demand for electric vehicles (EVs) in Australia, the barriers that may be limiting the take-up of EVs in Australia, and how demand is likely to change as the relative price and performance of these vehicles improves in the near future.

An online survey instrument was used to collect data for the study. The instrument used a choice modelling (also known as a conjoint analysis or discrete choice experiment) approach. Under this technique, consumers respond to a very carefully constructed survey instrument designed to elicit preferences for vehicles attributes. The overall choice modelling technique is well established in marketing and economic research fields, and has been applied — to a degree — to EVs issues in the past. To date, however, there has not been a comprehensive national choice modelling study of EV demand in Australia that allows consideration of the range of policy and practical issues now at hand. This study addresses that gap.