David Pearce

Principal | Executive Director

BEc (Hons)

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✆ +61 2 6245 7800
✉ dpearce@thecie.com.au
in https://au.linkedin.com/in/dapearce

For nearly 40 years, David has used careful economic thinking, research and analysis to provide insights and new knowledge to a wide range of clients. David’s work is a practical illustration that economic reasoning, especially when combined with empirical and evidence based quantitative techniques, provides a powerful tool for problem solving, policy analysis and strategic thinking and planning.

Economic insights are often embodied in specific techniques — such as economywide (general equilibrium) modelling, cost benefit analysis, statistical analysis and econometrics, risk analysis and simulation modelling — which allow systematic and careful exploration of problems. David regularly applies all of these techniques to the research tasks that our clients commission.

David’s work also focusses on the clear communication of economic ideas and insights; providing findings in forms and formats that are most useful and most relevant for particular clients. Whether written, web-based or in presentations, David clearly conveys research findings in ways best suited for the audience.

David’s work continues to provide practical experience in a wide variety of industries including agriculture, mining, natural resources, water, electricity, construction, education, finance as well as international trade and development. David’s experience extends beyond Australia to include projects in China, Vietnam, India, Papua New Guinea, Laos, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Bulgaria.