Trade and Investment


The CIE were one of the earliest developers and users of large scale global trade models, and since our detailed analysis of Western Trade Blocs in 1990 we have continued to undertake analyses of international trading arrangements — including free trade agreements, regional trade agreements and other policy developments — all using comprehensive quantitative techniques.

We have been engaged by a wide variety of parties, ranging from governments to private chambers of commerce.

A distinguishing feature of our trade and investment work is the quantification of benefits and costs of changing barriers to trade and investment using global economy-wide dynamic models.

Our analysis has included:

  • quantitative analysis of the past and current trading relationship

  • construction of trade indices to ascertain whether economies were complementary or competing

  • stakeholder discussion to identify opportunities for export growth, and reasons why such potential is yet to be realised

  • identification of export barriers (tariffs, non-tariff barriers, behind the border barriers etc), and

  • quantitative economic modelling to estimate the economic impacts of (merchandise and service) trade and investment reform.


David Pearce