Proposal to include minimum accessibility standards for housing in the National Construction Code – Consultation Regulation Impact Statement

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In 2017, the Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF), with the support of COAG, directed the ABCB to undertake a regulatory impact analysis into the possible inclusion of accessibility requirements for housing (Class 1a buildings and Class 2 apartments) into the NCC.1 The analysis commenced in 2017-18 with the ABCB undertaking extensive research, consultation and technical analysis, which are outlined in the Consultation section of this paper.

The Centre for International Economics (CIE) were engaged by the ABCB to develop a Consultation RIS. In line with the direction of the BMF, the regulatory options assessed by the Consultation RIS are based on the Livable Housing Design Guidelines (LHDG) Silver- and Gold-level specifications, as well as a ‘Gold-plus’ specification developed through stakeholder consultation.